
The random musings of a college girl who enjoys just about everything. I enjoy talking and reviewing, so please, feel free to stay a while, sit down, enjoy a coffee. While attempting to find a way to live forever I have come to at least recognize the truth so universal (though I can't say I've given up my quest). So this is my attempt at taking the most from life with the time I have. After all, forever is not so long.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 2

Hello all,

Today has been very long, and I have been feeling quite ill. Luckily, Tuesdays are a good lazy day for me to just catch up on rest and relaxation (I only have one one hour class, yippee!) Due to these circumstances I decided that, naturally, the wonderful and simple poetic form of Haiku would just have to do for today.

I decided to come up with my own prompt for today, and if any of you would want to try it I would love for you to leave it in the comments! Just write a poem involving a line from a song in any musical you like. For my particular one, I use The Wizard of Oz and give it a haunting twist:

We're off to see the wizard,
Though the land of Oz
Has long since been burning down.

I'd really like to see what others could come up with! So don't be shy.


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