
The random musings of a college girl who enjoys just about everything. I enjoy talking and reviewing, so please, feel free to stay a while, sit down, enjoy a coffee. While attempting to find a way to live forever I have come to at least recognize the truth so universal (though I can't say I've given up my quest). So this is my attempt at taking the most from life with the time I have. After all, forever is not so long.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Four Ways to Keep Your New Habits

This season is a season that many find an inspiring one; it also one that has frustrated and irritated many. Around this time every year, people make their new year’s resolutions and vow that this year will be different. This year, they will lose that weight. This year, they will find true love. This year, they will learn to juggle and travel the world. Whatever it may be, we’ve all got new things we want to incorporate into our life. There always seems to be one problem though: making those new things stick.

You know what I mean. Being a healthier person is definitely one of the biggest ones that people tend to want to do. Problem is, most people never do it. I wish I could find some sort of percentage of people who actually complete the goals that they set for themselves and fully form their new habits. Guarantee it would be ridiculously low; lower than it ought to be. I’m not particularly different than anyone else when it comes to this, but I have managed to form for myself some really awesome habits and also teach myself how to do some really awesome things. This is what I’ve found from my experience forming new habits:

4. Be held accountable. This one is pretty basic, but a lot of people, especially shy people like me, tend to overlook it. It’s sort of ridiculous how easy it is to remember to keep doing something when you’ve got friends and family to remind you to do it and be proud of you when you do accomplish a goal. Nothing in life that you go through should ever be done alone, so telling someone about a habit you are trying to form is almost vitally important. They can help to motivate you when you’re down or remind you when you’ve forgotten. It may be frustrating sometimes, especially when electing someone to help you break a bad habit (like biting your fingernails), but in the end, it is more than worth it.

3. Take it slow. This may be on every single habit forming list in the universe, but it is also one that holds the truest. When people start a new project, from making new friends to learning to sew, there is always that rush of energy that motivates you for the first few days or weeks. Almost always after, folks tend to go into a slump. Why? Well, the main reason is that everyone nowadays wants instant gratification. Sometimes that can happen, like finally getting a new haircut you wanted, but more often than not, habits and new projects take time. You are not going to lose ten pounds over night, and that is something you must accept. You are not going to be able to run a marathon overnight, let alone in a month of training if you start from square one. If you keep at it, though, the final product is more than rewarding. So give it some time and take baby steps.

2. Do it your way. This is something I’d wish some self improvement blog had told me years ago, but something I had to figure out for myself. There is no plan out there for anything, from learning a new instrument to diets or being happy, whatever can come to your mind, that is 100% effective. In fact, most of the times, most people need to personalize more than they think they do. We are all individual, and upon realizing this we must also realize that the South Beach Diet may not work for everyone, and following a list on how to organize your life may just not be privy to your situation. So figure out what works for you and roll with it. You can even take from many different resources or get creative and come up with your own plan. All that really matters though is that you…

1. Just do it. People can give you all the advice in the world, but if you don’t take the initiative to just get out there and change things, then all that advice is going to be useless rabble in your head. You can pump yourself up all you want, but if you chicken out before the main event it is never going to get you anywhere. It’s not as scary as it seems to just do things. Take it from someone who has fears of everything, and has to conquer many of them on a daily basis. Despite whatever scares you, whatever you tell yourself, don’t delay. Just do it. Don’t wait for a holiday or next week or next month to start. There is no better time than now.

So that’s my little schpiel. I hope it is enjoyed and put to good use; I know I certainly intend on putting it to use. So until next time, keep living it up.


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